
Medical Translation

Looking for reliable medical translation services in Sharjah? We are here to assist you along with the professionals of health sectors as translators. The documents in any language such as English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Hebrew, Russian, Tagalog, Philippines, Dari, Czech, Japanese and many more can be translated by availing our services. Handling such documents is a bit technical in the sense that there are certain medical terminologies involved which can be understood by those who have some link with the health sector. 

Moreover, those health journals and research papers which have some connectivity to the professionals of this field throughout the world are required to be translated in many languages so that the people all over the world can take benefit of the research.

Medical Translation

Medical Translation by Sharjah Translation Services

Sharjah translation services are offering translation of Medical documents in Sharjah. All the professionals of the health sector and individuals are invited to avail language conversion services which are best with respect to accuracy and a proven track record. Mostly in Sharjah and the UAE translation is required in Arabic language at different offices so those immigrants who have medical documents in the languages other than Arabic are required to get translation so that they can use those papers anywhere in Sharjah.

Network of

Professional Translators for Health Sector

Sharjah Translation services have a network of professional translators for the medical field who are not only native speakers of relevant languages but also affiliated with the healthcare sector. Only the services of such experts are acquired to ensure accuracy because these documents deal with human health which cannot be overlooked. Lifesaving procedures can only be successful if the patient history and information is clearly understandable to the health care providers.

Get Translation of Documents of different Categories

Medical documents are categorized in different types when it comes to their usability. Clients often contact us to get language conversions of the following documents types:

1. Medical Records

Patient medical histories, discharge summaries, progress notes, and other records need to be accurately translated so that the patients can continue the treatment after discharging from hospital.

2. Clinical Trial Documents

Translation of these papers including Informed consent forms, protocols, case report forms, and other materials is required to ensure effective communication between the researchers, participants of workshops and regulatory bodies.

3. Medical Reports

There are certain reports like X-rays, MRI, CT scans, laboratory test results, pathology reports, and other diagnostic findings which are used to diagnose the disease and to propose the right treatment by a health service provider.

Healthcare Policies and Procedures

Every medical institution, hospital and doctors follow some policies and procedures at every stage. These policies are mandatory to maintain the standard of services. However, people with different languages can be educated through translation of these policies so that they can get the real benefits from those services

Medical Websites and Apps

Nowadays, all medical facilitators are using websites to reach out to the people of different countries and languages. Moreover, those websites contain informative videos. We offer translation and localization of the website content and other material so that the health professionals can spread their message to a large audience across the world.

4. Medical Research Papers

These papers include Research articles, studies, reviews, and academic papers which are often circulated to the academicians, students and researchers of the health field to learn the advancements in the field.

5. Regulatory and Legal Documents

Documents related to medical device approvals, drug registrations, patents, and legal agreements often require accurate language conversions which are used by the companies to get registered with government bodies.

6. Patient Education Materials

There are certain charts, brochures, pamphlets and other informative material which is used to increase the information of the general public and patients towards any disease to keep the spread. Health professionals often required translation of these documents in a variety of languages to cover a large population.

6. Medical Manuals and Guidelines

Clients frequently contact us to get language conversions of medical manuals, guidelines, and handbooks. Mostly this type of material is used by doctors as a ready reference to their clinics

6. Pharmaceutical Documents

It is the information that is displayed on medicines packaging and labeling also containing the instruction of how to use them so they require accurate translation to ensure patient safety.

Why Choose Our Services?

We have professional translators as a part of our team which belong to different nations, cultures and languages due to which they can offer accurate language conversions of a variety of medical documents. Moreover, our services are available at a reasonable price. Our service charges are lower than the other service providers in Sharjah. 

There are many satisfied clients who often contact us to get their medical documents translated as they know that our facilities are time effective too and in the medical field following the time is mandatory to save human lives. Our customer representatives answer all the queries within a few minutes with 24/7 services. So why go anywhere else when Sharjah Translation services are providing you all facilities you desire in Sharjah?


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If you are looking out for translators in Sharjah, then our experts will assist you regarding the legal translation process and will make sure that you get top-notch facilities.

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If you are looking out for translators in Sharjah, then our experts will assist you regarding the legal translation process and will make sure that you get top-notch facilities.