
Persian/Farsi Legal Translation

Persian/Farsi Legal Translation

Persian/Farsi Legal Translation by Sharjah Translation Services

Sharjah Translation Services has been providing Persian/ Farsi Translation in Sharjah and all over the UAE since 2007. The experienced translation agency provides the optimum solution to the linguistic needs which arise in a region where a large number of immigrants are living such as Sharjah, UAE. We are committed to ensure customer satisfaction through accuracy and excellence in language conversions of all types of Persian/Farsi documents. 

Whether the clients require translation of legal documents, academic transcripts, or business related papers, we invite you to experience our best services in Sharjah.

Get Legal Translation of all types of documents from Sharjah Translation Services.

We are offering Persian/Farsi to English, Arabic and vice versa translation in Sharjah. Translation of legal documents is a complex process and becomes more challenging when dealing with documents in a foreign language like Persian/Farsi. But at Sharjah Translation Services, you can expect the native translators for Persian/Farsi language who are linguists and professionals of different fields to provide language conversions with meticulous attention to detail. Clients can expect that the integrity and intent of the original text will be preserved in the translated document.

Persian/Farsi Legal Translation

Types of Documents we translate

Our expertise goes beyond legal translation. Sharjah Translation Services offers a complete suite of translations for a wide range of document types into and from Persian/Farsi language, including but not limited to:

1. Personal Documents

We provide quick translation of birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, driving license, educational transcripts and many other personal documents.

2. Business Related

From contracts to financial reports, our clients can avail language conversion facilities.

3. Medical Records

We understand the importance of accurate translation of medical records as they deal with human lives and accuracy in translation ensures the provision of best possible treatments.

4. Technical Documents

We ensure accurate translation of all types of technical documents in Arabic and English languages.

5. Legal Documents

Contracts, deeds, affidavits and all types of legal documents related to court matters are translated with precision and guarantee of acceptance at legal offices.

6. Marketing Material

All types of promotional documents can be translated in English and Arabic through our certified translators.

Why choose our Services in Sharjah?

We are an experienced Persian/Farsi translation company due to which clients can get many benefits from us. These benefits are not limited to the accuracy of translated material but also many other factors are involved in it which makes us the best choice in Sharjah. Some of the benefits are as follows:

1. Expert Linguists

Our certified translators are not only fluent in the language but also show accuracy in language conversions to meet the customers’ requirements.

2. Accuracy and Confidentiality

All the government authorities demand certification of accuracy in translations so we provide certification with the documents in order to get them presented to various government offices and Iranian embassy. On the other hand we maintain secrecy of the material which clients submit to us for language conversions and other services.

3. Quick Turnaround

We understand the value of time; our efficient workflow ensures you get your translated documents promptly.

4. Quality Assurance

The translated documents are gone through strict quality checks at Sharjah Translation Services because we are committed to ensure the acceptance of our language converted material anywhere in Sharjah so, we proofread, edit and ensure formatting before sending them to the clients.

5. Cost Effectiveness

We are cost effective services and we claim it with guarantee. Just experience yourself.

Clients Centric Approach

We focus on the requirements of clients rather than completing projects in our own style. This is because we are customer oriented services and customer satisfaction is everything for us.

Remote access to Services

If you are anywhere in Sharjah and the UAE, you can place your order just by visiting our official website. All the contact information is available and a quick response team for customer support is available to respond back in a short time. There is also an online ordering system whose link can be seen prominently at every page. This is the link from where clients can submit the scanned copies of their documents once the order is confirmed. 

Clients can get translated documents on their email address or by post on their mailing address. So we allow the clients to access our services remotely to save their time.


150+ Professional Translators

If you are looking out for translators in Sharjah, then our experts will assist you regarding the legal translation process and will make sure that you get top-notch facilities.

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If you are looking out for translators in Sharjah, then our experts will assist you regarding the legal translation process and will make sure that you get top-notch facilities.